Post COVID-19

Market Research​

Gain clarity on your competitions’ service offerings, identify gaps in the market and monetise them. Stop making choices that don’t generate money through effective research.

Treatment & product demand​

Define your spa ethos and reflect it in your product range; match these perfectly with your ideal clients’ needs and enhance consumer buying power and profit with the right products.

Financial forecasting​

Know your numbers; say goodbye to stress and uncertainty and watch your business thrive once you have direction and clearer understanding of your financials. Time to ditch what doesn’t work.


Using my uniquely developed spa eco system model for the design and build of your spa will ensure that each and every aspect of your brand and business is considered in order to deliver a spa that meets clients’ needs, whilst ensuring the long-term viability and profitability of your business.

Let's Jump On A Call​

If you’d like to book a FREE 30-minute discovery call, to see how KH Spa Consultancy can help your business, contact Katie now.