High End Spa Showing Spa Consultancy Services for Spa Success
Picture of Katie Howell

Katie Howell

Spa consultant

How To Open An Idyllic Spa

… With An Incredible Team.

An idyllic spa is the culmination of many different factors, but one that I am so passionate about is the creation and development of the team that will actually work in your spa and in this piece I am going to outline how I go about finding and building the ideal team.

Reach Out

As soon as you know your spa build is going ahead (and you’ve got me on board!), the first step is to reach out to the institutions nearby that offer Beauty Therapy courses and to let them know that there are going to be employment opportunities in the coming months and to highlight the ethos and unique selling points of your spa. The reason that this is so important is because you are competing for strong therapists just as much as you are for customers so it is really advantageous to be endorsed by the colleges!


You know what they say, keep your friends close and your enemies closer. . . This is a prime opportunity to do a little reconnaissance trip to neighbouring / competitor spas as well as looking at forums and websites where therapists leave reviews on their workplace. The key here is to take on board what issues the therapists are highlighting, take steps to ensure they won’t arise in your new spa and then actually come out and say that you are creating a spa that is going to work for the therapist just as much as it is going to work for the customer.

This goes a long way to show that you are thinking of your future employees just as much as you are thinking of the customer.


As your spa is taking shape we want to maintain that clear vision of our ideal demographic and ensure that we are hiring therapists that are going to provide the level and style of service that we need in order to build loyalty with our clients. If we have identified niche treatments that we know we need to offer to stand out in your location or amongst your chosen clientele then our pool of therapists needs constant refinement so that it complements the ideology of the spa and supports the business we are building and the needs and wants of the customer.

Use my expertise

A spa build is a huge undertaking and no one knows that more than me, which is why my expertise are paramount to ensuring that you avoid costly mistakes and have the support you need when you are establishing your new site.

A spa needs to be functional and efficient as well as inviting and imaginative, so if you are ready to turn your spa idea into a reality then let’s chat!

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